[Insight-users] Problem with IntensityBased2D3DRegistration

Jian Wu eewujian at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 27 11:00:59 EST 2005

Dear ITK users:
Has anyone tried to run the insight application 
program--IntensityBased2D3DRegistration? I generated the 2D projection 
images using the image --/data/BrainWeb/brainweb165a10f17.mha and used the 
parameters given by the README.TXT file. The registration wasn't succesful. 
The exception was caught with the following error message.

itk::ExeptionObject (0123F924)
Location: "Unknown"
Line: 200
Description: itk::ERROR: RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer(01790710): The 
size of Scales is 6, but the NumberOfParameters for the CostFunction is 9.

Jian Wu

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