[Insight-users] vtkPatended.dll & ImageRegistration1.cxx bug

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Nov 18 09:50:56 EST 2004

Hi Jim,

Thanks for letting us know that you fixed the PATH.

About the problem that you are encountering, it is normal that
the output of the registration is a bit different from the book.

What it is not normal is to have an abnormal program termination...

What happens is that you are missing to provide the third argument
to this program, this third argument is expected to be the filename
where you are going to write the resampled moving image, at the
end of the registration process.

The crash happens becauser the test for number of arguments has
a bug, it is testing for 3 arguments instead of 4.

We just committed a fix for this bug into the CVS repository.

   Please let us know if you find any further problems,



Jim wrote:

> Hi Luis,
> The 2nd one does the trick. Thanks a lot.
> I proceed to the ImageRegistration1 example with the two images list
> on page 220 of the software guidebook. The result is close but not the
> same and there is an  "abnormal program termination" message at the
> end. What's the cause?
> C:\Insight\Bin\bin\RelWithDebInfo>ImageRegistration1 c:\insight\examples\data\Br
> ainProtonDensitySliceBorder20.png c:\insight\examples\data\BrainProtonDensitySli
> ceR10X13Y17.png
> Result =
>  Translation X = 13.1268
>  Translation Y = 15.9385
>  Iterations    = 20
>  Metric value  = 1473.94
> abnormal program termination
> Jim
> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 19:01:28 -0500, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>Hi Jim,
>>Thanks for posting your VTK CMakeCache.txt file.
>>It looks fine.
>>At this point there are two thing that you want
>>to verify:
>>1) Go to the binary directory where you build VTK
>>   and check if the vtkPatented.dll is in there.
>>   Since you build it for RelWithDebInfo you will
>>   find it in a subdirectory   bin/RelWithDebInfo.
>>2) Then check the PATH environment variable in
>>   your system and make sure that in includes the
>>   directory where you just found the vtkPatented.dll
>>   file. DLLs must be in a directory in the PATH or
>>   they must be in the same directory as your executable.
>>If you are using WindowsXP you can set this path
>>by going to "My Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced.
>>Please let us know what you find.
>>   Thanks
>>     Luis
>>Jim wrote:
>>>Hi Luis,
>>>The vtk was build with VTK_USE_HYBRID, VTK_USE_PARALLEL,
>>>VTK_USE_PATENTED, and VTK_USE_RENDERING ON and compiled with vs6+sp6
>>>for Win32 RelWithDebInfo for both VTK, Insight and
>>>CMakeCache.txt attached.
>>>On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 18:43:16 -0500, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>Hi Jim,
>>>>Did you enabled the CMake variable
>>>>             VTK_USE_PATENTED
>>>>when you configured VTK  ?
>>>>Note that InsightApplications does not build VTK by itself.
>>>>You must make sure the you build VTK with PATENTED enabled.
>>>>If you continue experiencing any problem, please post to
>>>>the list the CMakeCache.txt file that CMake generates in
>>>>the binary directory where you built VTK.
>>>>If you are on Windows, it is a common mistake to build
>>>>VTK for Release with some options, then change the options
>>>>and recompile it only for Debug. (or the other way around).
>>>>Please make sure that you are building *ALL* the libraries
>>>>for the same compilation mode.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>    Luis
>>>>Jim wrote:
>>>>>Insight/Application compiled with USE_VTK_PATENDED ON but when I try
>>>>>to run DeformableModelSimplexMesh.exe. An error message says "The
>>>>>dynamic link libary vtkPatented.dll could not be found in the specific
>>>>>path c:\insight\applications\bin....
>>>>>Please help, Thanks
>>>>>Insight-users mailing list
>>>>>Insight-users at itk.org
>>>># This is the CMakeCache file.
>>>># For build in directory: c:/VTK/Bin
>>>># You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
>>>># If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
>>>># If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
>>>># The syntax for the file is as follows:
>>>># KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.
>>>># TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
>>>># VALUE is the current value for the KEY.
>>>># EXTERNAL cache entries
>>>>//Build the documentation (Doxygen).
>>>>//Build VTK examples.
>>>>//Build VTK with shared libraries.
>>>>//Build the testing tree.
>>>>//Path to a program.
>>>>//For backwards compatibility, what version of CMake commands and
>>>>// syntax should this version of CMake allow.
>>>>//C++ compiler
>>>>//Flags used by the compiler during all build types.
>>>>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.
>>>>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds.
>>>>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>>>>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>>>>// files).
>>>>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds.
>>>>//C compiler
>>>>//Flags for C compiler.
>>>>CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=  /W3 /Zm1000
>>>>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.

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