[Insight-users] Reading 4D dicom series using itk

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue May 18 16:55:49 EDT 2004

Hi Sachin,

Reading DICOM slices into a single dataset
requires the use of two ITK classes:

    A) SeriesNamesGenerator
    B) ImageSeriesReader

The ImagerSeriesReader is N-Dimensional and
will not have any difficulty reading your
4D data set.

The trick will be related to the SeriesNames
generator. This filter should create a list
of file names *in order* that represent the
successive dimensions of your data sets.

In your case, this class should generate
filenames where all the slices for a
certain timestamp are grouped togeheter.
Make sure that they are ordered by acquisition
time, and then inside the group of each
timestamp make sure theat the slices are in
spatial order.

We don't have such a SeriesNamesGenerator
at this point, but you probably can create
it with a medium effort by modifying the
existing  DICOMSeriesFileNames class


BTW we will be happy to include the modified
version back in to the toolkit     :-)

Please let us know if you need any help in
performing such modifications.




As a help in the process you may want to look at the
application MRIConvert developed by Jolinda Smith. This
app has recently been adapted to manage time series.
you will find the binaries of this application at



Sachin Jambawalikar wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to read in 4D dicom series  using the dicom series IO.
> Does the dicom reader support  reading 4D data  of a series in a 4D itk  Image .
> Can anybody help ??
> Regards
> --Sachin
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