[ITK-dev] SimpleITK 0.10 Release Candidate 2

Lowekamp, Bradley (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C] blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Tue Jul 26 23:28:36 EDT 2016


We are pleased to announce the SimpleITK 0.10 Release Candidate 2 is now available! The release is expected to follow shortly.

There have been many improvements to better support wrapping for R. SimpleITK for R needs to be compiled from the source. 

The Python Java and CSharp binaries are available for download from Source Forge:


The latest versions of “pip” is recommended to install the downloaded binary wheel for Python. Python eggs are no longer being distributed.

You are encouraged to checkout SimpleITK’s master branch in the git repository for testing building from the source code.

Also we have packages for the Anaconda Python distributions in the SimpleITK group and under the “dev" label. These packages can be installed with the following command:

$ conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/simpleitk/label/dev SimpleITK

Since the 0.10rc1, there have been a number of configuration and fixes to support gcc 6.1. Additionally, new examples and updated documentation. Please see the git long for further information

Key Improvements since 0.9.1:
* The R language bindings have received extensive improvements and bug fixes.
* Added Image::SetMetaData method
* Added LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer
* Added MultiLableSTAPLEImageFilter
* Default sitk::Show support for Fiji over ImageJ
* Moved third-party packages Lua, gtest, virtualenv from source code to Superbuild projects
* Added Forbid Download option
* Enabled each language wrapping to be an independent project dependent on SimpleITK C++ interface and libraries.
* Lua languages bindings now compile as a loadable module
* Many CMake build improvements to default configurations
* CMake version 3.3 is now required


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