[ITK-dev] Compilation issue with ITK master branch (related to vcl)

Manuel GRIZONNET manuel.grizonnet at cnes.fr
Tue Jul 19 06:15:10 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I've got a compilation error in the ORFEO ToolBox (which depend on ITK) 
when I tried to compile the library with ITK master branch. You can see 
the compilation error ('vcl_config_manual.h' file not found) on OTB 


The compilation failed since around mid-June (ITK master branch is 
updated once a week on this platform):


I read that there was ongoing work on vcl but I do not know if the error 
is related to my configuration of ITK or if recent modifications in VCL 
changes will imply modifications in OTB.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,



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