[Insight-developers] itkObjectFactoryBase class variables seen as harmful?

Williams, Norman K norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Wed Mar 23 12:28:24 EDT 2011

I have a topic with a 'fix' for this.


As I said in a previous message, I ran into inexplicable behavior trying
to add a TransformIO class -- itk::TransformIOBase was unable to create
Transforms, because the TransformFactories registered to do so didn't
appear to be in ObjectFactoryBase's m_RegisteredFactories list which was a
static member of itk::ObjectFactoryBase.

In testing to try and figure out why, it seemed as though even though
ObjectFactoryBase was supposedly a singleton class, there was more than
one m_RegisteredFactories static member -- printing out its address and
value showed that there was a different m_RegisteredFactories for the
ImageIOFactory, TransformFactory, and TransformIOFactory.

This sure didn't seem to be what was intended, and I don't understand why
it's the case. It may well be a peculiarity of OS X linking -- I haven't
tried this on Linux or Windows.

But at least on OS X, the above patch fixes things.  Is there any reason
the registered factories list needs to be a static member variable?

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