[Insight-developers] SimpleITK - Image::GetPixel methods

Gaëtan Lehmann gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
Tue Apr 26 05:36:31 EDT 2011

Hi Brad,

You can't define two versions of GetPixel() in python - only the last  
one will be there.

I would define the GetPixel() method like that:

    def GetPixel(self, *idx):
         """Returns the value of a pixel.

	This method takes 2 parameters in 2D: the x and y position,
	and 3 parameters in 3D: the x, y and z position."""
         pixelID = self.GetPixelIDValue()
         if pixelID == sitkUInt8 || pixelID == sitkLabelUInt8:
            return self.__GetPixelAsUInt8__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkInt16:
            return self.__GetPixelAsInt16__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkUInt16 || pixelID == sitkLabelUInt16:
            return self.__GetPixelAsUInt16__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkInt32:
            return self.__GetPixelAsInt32__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkUInt32 || pixelID == sitkLabelUInt32:
            return self.__GetPixelAsUInt32__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkFloat32:
            return self.__GetPixelAsFloat__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkFloat64:
            return self.__GetPixelAsDouble__( idx )
         if pixelID == sitkUnknown:
            raise Exception("Logic Error: invalid pixel type")
         raise Exception("Unknown pixel type")

and add an __getitem__() method so the pixel value can be accessed  
with a interface which looks like a python list:

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
         """put the same kind of doc than for GetPixel here"""
         return self.GetPixel(*idx)

I guess you'll want to do the same with SetPixel() - the code is a bit  
more complex in that case:

    def SetPixel(self, *arg):
         """some doc!"""
         if len(args) == 2:
            idx = args[:2]
         elif len(args) == 3:
            idx = args[:3]
            raise Exception("Wrong number of arguments")
         value = args[-1]
         self[args] = value

    def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
         """some doc"""
         # use the specializations of SetPixel here rather than in  
GetPixel() because
         # idx and value are already splitted

It would be interesting to look at the GetPixel() performance - if it  
is a lot slower than the specialized versions, then it may be better  
to not hide the specialized versions, for the users who wants to write  
faster code.


Le 22 avr. 11 à 22:25, Bradley Lowekamp a écrit :

> Gaetan,
> You have provided valuable feedback with several other python  
> related issues and was looking for comments on the current.
> Despite it sounding easy, implementing the sitk::Image::GetPixel  
> method is rather challenging due to the numerous types of images  
> underneath. I have a branch in my SimpleITK github, which will add  
> this much needed feature.
> The sitk::Image class will be customized for each language to  
> provide a natural interface. This is what I have done for python:
> https://github.com/blowekamp/SimpleITK/commit/b821617f013ee18c7cc2ae727eec3d20ad2b5875
> I realize now it needs some comments....
> It is not clear to me if the index argument should be multiple  
> arguments or an array, or both. As arguments are not strongly typed,  
> I am not certain of how to do methods overloading, based on the  
> arguments. In another methods I used isinstance(), but some frown  
> about that. Do you have a suggestion on how I should overload  
> methods in python? What do you think of this current interface?
> Brad
> ========================================================
> Bradley Lowekamp
> Lockheed Martin Contractor for
> Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
> National Library of Medicine
> blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr

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