[Insight-developers] Fwd: [Insight-users] Java wrappings package organization

A Navaei axnavaei at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 26 08:55:44 EST 2009


ITK java wrapper package names are automatically generated based on
the ITK libraries. The java wrapper is the first (and probably the
only) ITK wrapper which actually breaks the big wrapper library into
different packages. Before that modern editors, such as eclipse, had a
very hard time to generate a list of over 1000 classes when performing

The feature you are asking for will require some manual organisation
to find out which classes are for the end user, and which ones are for
core or helpers. This would be a tedious and laborious job requiring
an active maintainer and it wouldn't worth the effort simply for the
java wrapper.

One solution would be having the ITK source maintainers to use some
doxygen tags in  the source files to group the class as 'end-user',
'helper', 'core' or similar, based on which we can automatically
generate more wrapper sub packages. The other benefit of this approach
is that other wrapping languages, such as python, can also use this
feature for better package organisation.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Le 26 nov. 09 à 10:17, Julien Michel a écrit :

> Dear wrappings users and developpers,
> In WrapITK jar archive, classes are grouped in different packages, for instance org.itk.pixelmath.*.
> In this pixelmath subpackage, we can found the proxy classes which will be used by the enduser, plus the JNI classes and some other classes which will not be used directly by the users.
> In order to help the user to sort out what is usefull and what is not, it would be very intersting to be able to put these JNI classes and other "glue" classes in a subpackage, for instance org.itk.pixelmath.core.* or org.itk.pixelmath.internals.*.
> This way the user will only see the classes he is really intended to use.
> Any clue on how to do this ?

Ali has done the work to split java classes in several packages.

Ali, maybe you can help on that point?



Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr

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