[Insight-developers] Mucking about with MPI

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Mon Aug 10 16:42:22 EDT 2009

I've been mucking about with MPI and ITK.

I know I can copy out the index, size, spacing, and so on individually
send them. Create an image on the receiving node set its index, size,
spacing, and so on, allocate the receiving image buffer, and then
finally send the data in the image buffer.

In the first programs I wrote to play around with this I forgot to send
the spacing and origin, and I haven't tried to send a direction. That
made me think is it possible to send a whole image?

In other words can I have 

MPI_Ssend( reader->GetOutput(), sizeof( ImageType ), 
      MPI_BYTE, 1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


MPI_Recv(recv_image, sizeof(ImageType), MPI_BYTE, 
      0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

It looks like I can't as my program segfaults before the receive

Can I only send non-reference counted objects?
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