[Insight-developers] Policy for adding an application to InsightApplications

Tom Vercauteren tom.vercauteren at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 11:31:38 EDT 2008


I am wondering what the policy is for adding new applications to

Now that all the filters from the diffeomorphic demons insight journal
submission have been integrated to ITK, I thought it might be worth
adding the demons command-line tool to InsightApplications.

The code consists of a single c++ file with some CMake and testing
stuff. It uses metaCommand to parse the command-line arguments and has
a few options as shown below.

Would there be an interest in committing that to InsightApplications
or to the ITK registration examples?


$ ./DemonsRegistration
Option FixedImageFile is required but not defined
Option MovingImageFile is required but not defined
 Command tags:
   -f --fixed-image < filename >
      = Fixed image filename
   -m --moving-image < filename >
      = Moving image filename
   [ -b --input-field < filename > ]
      = Input field filename
   [ -p --input-transform < filename > ]
      = Input transform filename
   [ -o --output-image < filename > ]
      = Output image filename
        With: filename (Default = output.mha)
   [ -O --output-field [ filename ] ]
      = Generate the output field and optionally specify a filename
        With: filename (Default = OUTPUTIMAGENAME-field.mha)
   [ -r --true-field < filename > ]
      = Specify a "true" field to compare the registration result with
(useful for synthetic experiments)
   [ -i --num-iterations < uintvect > ]
      = List of number of iterations for each multi-scale pyramid
level < UINTx...xUINT >
        With: uintvect (Default = 15x10x5)
   [ -s --def-field-sigma < floatval > ]
      = Smoothing sigma for the deformation field (pixel units).
Setting it value below 0.5 means no smoothing will be performed
        With: floatval (Default = 1.5)
   [ -g --up-field-sigma < floatval > ]
      = Smoothing sigma for the update field (pixel units). Setting it
below 0.5 means no smoothing will be performed
        With: floatval (Default = 0.0)
   [ -l --max-step-length < floatval > ]
      = Maximum length of an update vector (pixel units). Setting it
to 0 implies no restrictions will be made on the step length
        With: floatval (Default = 2.0)
   [ -a --update-rule < type > ]
      = Type of update rule. 0: s <- s o exp(u) (diffeomorphic), 1: s
<- s + u (additive, ITK basic), 2: s <- s o (Id+u) (compositive,
Thirion's proposal?)
        With: type (Default = 0)
   [ -t --gradient-type < type > ]
      = Type of gradient used for computing the demons force. 0 is
symmetrized, 1 is fixed image, 2 is warped moving image, 3 is mapped
moving image
        With: type (Default = 0)
   [ -e --use-histogram-matching ]
      = Use histogram matching prior to registration (e.g. for
different MR scanners)
   [ -d --verbose [ intval ] ]
      = Algorithm verbosity (debug level)
        With: intval (Default = 1)

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