[Insight-developers] GetInverse is unusable -- patch attached

Pavel Koshevoy koshevoy at sci.utah.edu
Fri Oct 10 10:55:35 EDT 2008


I've been patching ITK since version 1.8.1 to provide a usable 
GetInverse API for transforms which don't have an analytic inverse, or 
have an approximate inverse transform of a different type.

Requiring a patched ITK is a hurdle in the path of developers trying to 
build my image registration apps.  I really, really hope you merge this 
patch into the trunk. 

It's a very small change.  Basically, I define an 
InverseTransformPointer type and add virtual InverseTransformPointer 
GetInverse() const method.  The patch implements this API for 
itk::Transform, itk::IdentityTransform, itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase, 
itk::ScaleTransform, itk::TranslationTransform. 

These are useful changes that make the ITK Transform classes far more 
useful. In my image registration apps I implement this API in my 
Legender Polynomial Transform, a Radial Basis Function Transform, 
Triangle Mesh Transform, Radial Distortion Transform, Cascaded 
Transform, and a generic Newtons Method Numeric Inverse Transform.

I really hope someone takes a look at this short patch and adds it to 
the main ITK trunk.

Thank you,

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Name: InsightToolkit-3.8.0-GetInverse.patch
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