[Insight-developers] CGAL install on linux platform

Alexandre GOUAILLARD Alexandre_Gouaillard at hms.harvard.edu
Wed Apr 23 12:52:35 EDT 2008


I know you installed CGAL on your fedora core machine. Could you please give
us a step-by-step installation guide for others in the ITK community to
follow? Please kindly include the dependent libraries that would be
required. Please only include the base package. The parameterization and
corresponding dependencies can be kept out for the time being.

I expect at least boost, lapack, blas, gmp and mfr to be required. If my
memory serves me well, those should come by default on the machine. It was a
little be more complicated on my Mac.

Do you have any experience on ubuntu?

If you do not have time for that untill this week end, I suggest we meet in
singapore Sunday afternoon and do it together. Mango lassi will be on me.

I would like to archive this for the lab, as I archived the TAUCS
installation and other arbitrary precision lib survey for further work with
luca for example.

We might want to do an informal session about that at the NAMIC project week
in June. I hope andriy would be willing and able to join us in Boston.

Thanks in advance.


On 4/23/08 10:40 AM, "Andriy Fedorov" <fedorov at bwh.harvard.edu> wrote:

>>  There are Debian and Ubuntu development packages for CGAL.
>>  This would make the installation of CGAL a lot easier that
>>  if we have to building in the Insight Journal machine.
>>  Could you please list the exact list of packages that you
>>  will require ?
>>      a) libcgal-dev (3.2.1-1)  ?
>>      b) libboost-dev (1.33.1)  ?
>>  Please let us know,
> Luis,
> First off, I have CGAL installed from sources. Also, as Alex pointed
> out earlier, CGAL uses functionality of some additional libraries for
> multi-precision arithmetic: GMP and MPFR. It also uses BLAS and
> LAPACK. However, only boost is a required prerequisite, according to
> the CGAL installation manual.
> So, I tried to install just these two packages you mentioned on my
> Kubuntu laptop (Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake), to test if the
> functionality of my code is preserved when I have just libcgal-dev and
> libboost-dev installed.
> Unfortunately, I was unable to complete the installation. I am unable
> to install libcgal-dev (the version of CGAL my package manager finds
> is the latest 3.3.1), because package manager reports broken package.
> This issue has been discussed on Ubuntu forums, apparently
> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgal/+bug/158159)
> So, I guess, I am unable to answer your original question at this point...
> Andrey
>>    Thanks
>>       Luis
>>  BTW: Please keep this discussion in the developers and or users list,
>>      this is a topic of potential interest to the larger community.
>>  ----------------------
>>  Andriy Fedorov wrote:
>>> Hi Luis,
>>> Thank you for your reply. As always, it is very insightful! :)
>>> I do not have the answers on the open questions you have. Indeed, one
>>> has to completely rethink what is legal and what is not. For now, I am
>>> going to leave these questions for my superiors to answer.
>>> Let me answer the practical questions you had.
>>>> The concerns are rather of practical nature:
>>>>          How big is software "A"   ?
>>>>          How easy is to automatically
>>>>          build/install software "A" ?
>>> Alexandre was right in his guess that one of the software packages I
>>> mentioned was CGAL (http://cgal.org). I didn't want to go into
>>> specifics right away.
>>> CGAL is big, and it does not use CMake. It also depends on Boost
>>> (http://boost.org, which is distributed under an opensource license).
>>>>          How many other potential submissions
>>>>          could benefit from software "A"
>>>>          being available in the IJ server ?
>>> I cannot answer this one, but I think both CGAL and Boost are quite
>>> generic to benefit other users.
>>>> Please let us know if this answer your original question,
>>>> and whether you have any additional questions regarding
>>>> the Insight Journal.
>>> How difficult it is to have CGAL installed on the IJ server? Can this be
>> done?
>>> I assume the decision whether to install package like CGAL on IJ
>>> server or not can depend on the value of the potential submission
>>> which will benefit from it. If this is the case, please let me know --
>>> I am ready to discuss this offline.
>>> Thank you
>>> Andriy Fedorov
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