[Insight-developers] ITK website could use update regarding code contrib how-to.

Torsten Rohlfing torsten at synapse.sri.com
Wed Mar 28 11:39:37 EST 2007

Hi --

Since there's no "email to webmaster" link on www.itk.org (hint, hint), 
I thought I'd post this suggestion here instead.

I think the ITK website could use an update of information relating to 
how one can contribute code. For example,


still describes the old process of getting write access to CVS, rather 
than mentioning the ISJ.

On the other hand, and speaking of which, I find it a pain in the neck 
to locate the information that describes how to get source code 
submitted to the ISJ in a way that it will be compiled and run by the 
dashboard. This should really be put in a more obvious place. I, for 
one, can not find it either on itk.org, nor the ISJ website, while it 
should probably be easily accessible from both sites.



Torsten Rohlfing, PhD          SRI International, Neuroscience Program
 Research Scientist             333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025
  Phone: ++1 (650) 859-3379      Fax: ++1 (650) 859-2743
   torsten at synapse.sri.com        http://www.stanford.edu/~rohlfing/

     "Though this be madness, yet there is a method in't"

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