[Insight-developers] Check in timings

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Tue Feb 15 10:30:21 EST 2005


We had an almost green dashboard for a few days.  
The recent check in has turned the whole thing to red.
This check in was done too late in the day.  There was
no time for the continuos builds to show the problem.
Perhaps we should have a rule that there are no checkins
within 6 hours of the next nightly.  

The nightly start time is this:

So, no checkins after 7 pm EDT.   And, also, no
checkins within 2 hours before you leave the office or will
be able to react to a broken continuos build.  So, no
checkin and go home, and wait until the next day.

For folks in EDT, I would say the last checkin should be around
3 pm.   

The exception to these rules would of course be to fix a visible
continuos problem.   


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