[Insight-developers] My experiences with ITK SoftwareGuide

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Sun, 01 Jun 2003 13:58:41 -0400

Hi Jisung,

I ran into the same problem you reported concening building
the software guide on a Laptop running Debian.

In the Debian/Laptop installation the default values in


for the variables max_strings and pool_size are

    max_strings =   15000
    pool_size     = 125000

While in RedHat (7.1) installed in a desktop, the defaults are

    max_strings =  25000
    pool_size     = 250000

Incrementing this values as you suggested, solved the problem.
I set the values to

    max_strings =  30000
    pool_size     = 250000




> 2. Latex reports pool size overflow.
>  I didn't have this problem, when I build the
> SoftwareGuide on my Red hat desktop (ver. 8.0). Then I
> switched my workspace to my laptop that has debian
> testing release. Then I had this problem. I solved(?)
> this problem by increase the pool_size(125000 to
> 200000) and the max_strings (15000 to 30000) in my tex
> distribution's /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf. I'm
> wondering why a larger pool is reguired. Is it because
> there might be some mistakes in the tex source files,
> or because the SoftwareGuide requires that much?