[Insight-developers] Re: Yesterday's changes

Bill Lorensen wlorens1@nycap.rr.com
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 17:54:24 -0400

I'll change the baseline if the generated image is correct.


At 05:41 PM 4/22/03 -0400, Mark Foskey wrote:
>Note to the list: I've been changing code related to the Danielsson filter, and it's been causing problems.  I'm pulling the list in to the discussion with Bill over this.
>Lorensen, William E (Research) wrote:
>> There seems to be a 1 pixel outline around the resulting image.
>...OK, that was my fault.  (Well, obviously...)
>I modified the behavior of the filter and didn't tell anybody.  I thought that filter didn't yet have a comparison against a baseline, and I modified it to produce the distance filter for the whole image, rather than for all of the image except for a one-pixel boundary, as it did previously.  So it was the baseline image that had the one-pixel boundary.  This boundary was causing problems for some of our research projects, and I saw a way to modify the ReflectiveImageRegionIterator to get the distance for the whole image.
>Actually, the [0, 0] pixel in the image is still incorrect, I have realized later this afternoon, although all the others look to be correct.  I intended to fix that tomorrow.
>I have Cc'ed the list on this, since perhaps I should have written the list about this to begin with.  If people object to the whole proposal we can revert my changes.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Mark Foskey [mailto:mark_foskey@unc.edu]
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 2:47 PM
>>To: Lorensen, William E (Research)
>>Subject: Re: Yesterday's changes
>>I have run the tests on ReflectiveImageRegionIteratorTest, DanielssonDistanceMapImageFilterTest, and HausdorffDistanceImageFilterTest.  The tests passed, and I have checked in the changes.
>>Lorensen, William E (Research) wrote:
>>>Did you run the ReflectiveImageRegionIteratorTest after your changes
>>>yesterda? It is not passing on any platforms. Also, related tests are
>Mark Foskey    (919) 843-5436  Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Display Lab
>mark_foskey@unc.edu            Department of Radiology, CB 7515, UNC
>http://www.cs.unc.edu/~foskey  Chapel Hill, NC  27599-7515
>Insight-developers mailing list