[Insight-developers] SmartNeighborhood iterator & SmartNeighborhoodInnerProduct & ProgressReporter

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Thu, 05 Sep 2002 11:33:21 -0400

Hi Jim,

I'm updating threaded filters to take advantage of the
improvements you made in the SmartNeighborhood iterator
so now the actual algorithm is writen only once for both
the boundary and non-boundary faces.

In the same pass I'm introducing the ProgressReporter
that Brad wrote recently.

On the process I found some filters (e.g. Canny) that
use the classes:

  -  NeighborhoodInnerProduct
  -  SmartNeighborhoodInnerProduct

The first performs a inner product between the neighbor
pixels and a kernel provided by a NeighborOperator.

I'm wondering if the same acceleration that you introduced
in the SmartNeighborIterator can be extended to this
inner product class.

Any hints ?

