[Insight-developers] SmartPointer->RawPointer in GetInput() GetOutput() changed

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 13 May 2002 19:26:31 -0400

Hi Bill,

The remaining errors on pragmatic.crd are due to a configuration
problem with FLTK. For some reason gmake is not being allowed to
execute "fluid" in this machine. It is probably a chmod conflict
or a userId conflict...

The .cxx file that is producing the error is one of the files
that should be generated by FLTK fluid from a .fl file.

The .fl file in question has already been updated in the repository
but since in this machine fluid is not being allowed to execute
the .cxx files is not being regenerated and the previous obsolete
version is being compiled. (the obsolete version still tries to
call GetPointer() on an output).

Here is a extract of the error message from pragmatic.crd:

gmake[6]: execvp: /projects/quality/itkQuality/fltk-linux/fluid: 
Permission denied


Bill Lorensen wrote:
> Luis,
> I'm still seeing some errors in the continuous. If they are related to the pointer change, please fix them and hold off on other changes.
> Thanks,
> Bill