[Insight-developers] Optimizers checked in - Metrics are next...

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 20:32:28 -0500

The detemplated optimizer have been checked in.

The next step is to modify the Metrics by leaving only
two template parameters: The two Images to be compared.

A base class:  itk::ImageToImageMetric will be checked in
and all the Metrics will derive from this one.

ImageToImageMetric derive itself from itkSingleValuedCostFunction.

That will allow to pass Metrics to optimizers at run time by
using a classical  base/derived * mechanism and standard virtual

There are still some issues pending on the Transforms.
In particular the computation of Jacobians need more work
(a bug has been logged in Gnats about this).

Once Metrics are simplified, the registration methods will
be simplified to have only two template parameters.

And probably the long-long-long name classes will be removed
and replaced by some sort of enumeration of tests like:

