[Insight-developers] Revised agenda

Will Schroeder will.schroeder@kitware.com
Fri, 08 Feb 2002 14:04:53 -0500

Hi Folks-

Based on your comments I've made some more changes to the agenda for the 
February 2002 meeting. Please let me know if there are errors or other changes.


Day 1
+ Introduction (1 hr Terry)

+ Beta Release (1 hr Terry & Will)
   - advertising
   - packaging (e.g., stlib) (Will)
   - contribution process (formal contribution process) (Will)

+ Education (15/30/60 minutes per topic - Jim moderator)
   - Spatial function hierarchy (Damion)
   - BLOX (Damion/George)
   - Statistics framework (Jisung Kim and Sayan)
   - FEM (Jim Gee & Aljaz Noe)
   - ImageIO (Bill Hoffman)
   - Neighborhood and Neighborhood Iterators (Josh & Jim Miller)
   - Image Metrics (Luis, Brian, Lydia)
   - Fuzzy Connectedness and Hybrid Segmentation (Celina)

Day 2
+ Design (4 hrs. Bill L. moderator)
   - Exception hierarchy (Bill Hoffman)
   - Templating process objects (Jim Miller)
     . removing template parameters (Will Schroeder)
     . calculations (accuracy of) in filters (Jim Miller)
     . mutex on light object (Jim Miller)
     . Extending pixel traits (Luis)
   - Concept checking (Lydia)
   - Pipeline update mechanism (Josh/Ross/Will/Jim Miller)
   - Classifier framework (Sayan and Jisung Kim)
   - Image API (Will)
   - Missing functionality (Vikram)
   - Using typedefs better (Jim Miller)

+ Using ITK (4 hrs. Terry moderator)
   - performance
   - working with templates in non-templated systems
   - other observations
   - are we meeting our objectives?
     is it useful in the way we meant it to useful?
     target algorithms? (segmentation and registration)
     are people going to find it useful?
     the matlab of segmentation and registration?

Day 3
+ Validation (4 hrs. Terry moderator)
   - Presentation of validation plans
       . what is to be done
       . how far along you are
       . items of interest that might be shared
         (data, statistical tools, etc.) between sites
   - Infrastructure issues
      . directory structure
      . a validation dashboard (?)
      . how to keep code for validation in sync with repository
      . regression testing of the outputs (?)

+ Conclusions (Terry)