[Insight-developers] wrap::ListClasses

Brad King brad.king@kitware.com
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 18:07:16 -0500 (EST)

Hello, all:

At Luis's request, I have added a new general support command to CABLE's
Tcl facility.  It is called "wrap::ListClasses", and takes no
arguments.  It simply returns a string listing the classes that have been

I'm thinking of changing the behavior of both wrap::ListClasses and
wrap::ListMethods to return Tcl list objects instead of strings.  This
would allow iteration over the results.  The only problem is that
ListMethods breaks down the list by class (chainging up through
superclasses).  Any thoughts on the following format?

{ class-name1 {method1 method2 ...}
  class-name2 {method1 method2 ...} }

Each method would still be only the C++ method prototype.  Support may be
possible later to actually further break down methods into names and
result/argument types.
