[Insight-developers] some Doxygen commands

Luis Ibanez ibanez@choroid.cs.unc.edu
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 11:42:24 -0400 (EDT)


Here is is short list of Doxygen commands that could be
interesting to use more often:

 \param       specify details about function parameters

 \return      comments about the value returned by a function

 \warning     ... a warning

 \example     file that contains an example (there is a generic
              Examples path set during Doxygen configuration

 \internal    Comments for developers


 \todo        something to include in your WorkAssignment  :-)

 \image       insert an image in the documentation

 Lists:  Just adding a "-" will create a item in a list,
        and "- #" will create a numbered list

 Equations: generated with LaTeX,... not FrameMaker    :-)
       put your one line latex code between:   \f$ and \f$
       put a multiple line equation betwwen:   \f[ and \f]

 Font changes:

   \b word      boldface
   \e word      italics
   \c word      typewriter

   \code  \endcode To put a section of code (like a short usage
                   example. (all classnames are replaced by links !)

 Text specific for HTML or LaTeX versions
 \htmlonly   \endhtmlonly
 \latexonly  \endlatexonly



 * This function receives two parameters
 * \param value       Initial value to try
 * \param tolerance   Numerical tolerance for convergence
 * \return            The final value after convergence
 * \warning           This function is not thread safe
 * This function will stop when
 *  - The computer is turn off
 *  - Hurricaine warning
 *  - In case of Blackout if you live in California
 * If the method doesn't work
 *  - # Reinstall Windows
 *  - # Recompile the toolkit
 *  - # Read the manual
 * The function evaluates:
 *    \f$ \sqrt{ (x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2 }  \f$
 * \example fileThatContainsAnExampleOfThisClassAndMethod.cxx
 * \test    fileThatContainsATestOfThisClassAndMethod.cxx
 * \internal A lots of bugs to catch
 * \deprecated This function will be replace with other with
 *             a long long name
 * \code
 *    itk::Image<double,2> myImage;
 *    myClass.Evaluate( 5, 10 );
 * \endcode
 * \image   html    myGUI.jpg
 * \image   latex   myGUI.eps   "Insight Inside Application" width=10cm
double Evaluate( double value, double tolerance)

Additionally, we can enrich the main page with:


\section intro Introduction

\section install How to Install

\subsection Dowload
\subsection Compiling