[Insight-developers] possible tcon topics

Lydia Ng lng at statsci.com
Thu Oct 26 13:27:47 EDT 2000


I have a couple of questions/issues that might be
interesting for the tcon and/or list-discussion

1) Using C++ STL
2) Accessing the image dimension
3) Filters within filters

1) For one of my algorithms I am making use of
the STL priority_queue (in <queue>) and
the STL sort function (in <algorithm>).

I know these work for VC++. Do they exist for gcc?
Are they robust/stable?
Should we be using a subset of the STL or can we use the whole library?

2) Suppose in my process I want a temporary image
of type int and the same size/dimension of an input image.

I first tried something like this:

template< class TImage>
class MyProcess
  typedef itk::Image<int,TImage::ImageDimension> TempImage;
  typename TempImage::Pointer temp;

void main()
  typedef itk::Image<float,2> ImageT;
  MyProcess<ImageT> aProcess;

But I get an error complaining about zero size structure. Probably
due to TImage::ImageDimension not being passed properly.
My second attempt includes an extra template parameter for MyProcess:

template< class TImage, unsigned int VDimension = TImage::ImageDimension>
class MyProcess
  typedef itk::Image<int,VDimension> TempImage;
  typename TempImage::Pointer temp;

This works fine but it is this bad style? 
Should I be doing this another way?

3) Can we use filters within the operation of a filter?
Are there any major issues with doing things this way?

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