CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4) IF(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0003 NEW) ENDIF(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) PROJECT( IGSTK ) # version SET(IGSTK_VERSION_MAJOR "4") SET(IGSTK_VERSION_MINOR "0") SET(IGSTK_VERSION_PATCH "0") SET (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/bin CACHE PATH "Single output directory for building all libraries." FORCE) SET (EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/bin CACHE PATH "Single output directory for building all executables." FORCE) # Build with shared libraries OPTION(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build with shared libraries" OFF) # Add the testing directories OPTION(IGSTK_BUILD_TESTING "Test the project" ON) IF(IGSTK_BUILD_TESTING) ENABLE_TESTING() INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Dart.cmake) ENDIF(IGSTK_BUILD_TESTING) SET(CXX_TEST_PATH ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) # Determine if this is development or stable version OPTION(IGSTK_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION "Set IGSTK version to development" ON) # # FIND ITK # FIND_PACKAGE(ITK) IF (USE_ITK_FILE) INCLUDE (${USE_ITK_FILE}) ELSE (USE_ITK_FILE) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "This application requires ITK. One of these components is missing. Please verify configuration") ENDIF (USE_ITK_FILE) # # FIND VTK # FIND_PACKAGE(VTK) IF (USE_VTK_FILE) INCLUDE (${USE_VTK_FILE}) ELSE (USE_VTK_FILE) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "This application requires VTK. One of these components is missing. Please verify configuration") ENDIF (USE_VTK_FILE) # # # # Use the correct ITK & VTK version IF( IGSTK_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION ) # development version IF( ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR} LESS 3) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "You are using ITK ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}. Use ITK version 3.4 or later") ENDIF(${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR} LESS 3 ) IF( ${ITK_VERSION_MINOR} LESS 4) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "You are using ITK ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}. Use ITK version 3.4 or later") ENDIF(${ITK_VERSION_MINOR} LESS 4 ) IF( ${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION} LESS 5.0 ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "You are using VTK ${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION}. Use VTK version 5.0 or later") ENDIF(${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION} LESS 5.0 ) ELSE( IGSTK_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION ) # stable version IF( ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR} EQUAL 3.8 ) # correct version ELSE( ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR} EQUAL 3.8 ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "You are using ITK ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR}. Use ITK version 3.8") ENDIF( ${ITK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ITK_VERSION_MINOR} EQUAL 3.8) IF( ${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 5.2 ) # correct version ELSE( ${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 5.2 ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "You are using VTK ${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION}. Use VTK version 5.2") ENDIF( ${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}.${VTK_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 5.2 ) ENDIF( IGSTK_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION ) # # FIND FLTK # OPTION(IGSTK_USE_FLTK "Use FLTK (The Fast Light Toolkit) for GUI" OFF) IF(IGSTK_USE_FLTK) FIND_PACKAGE(FLTK) IF (FLTK_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR}) IF(WIN32) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DWIN32) ENDIF(WIN32) LINK_LIBRARIES( ${FLTK_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ) IF(CYGWIN) LINK_LIBRARIES( ole32 uuid comctl32 wsock32 supc++ -lm -lgdi32) ENDIF(CYGWIN) ELSE (FLTK_FOUND) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "This application requires FLTK. One of these components is missing. Please verify configuration") ENDIF (FLTK_FOUND) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_FLTK) # # FIND Qt # OPTION(IGSTK_USE_Qt "Use Qt for GUI" OFF) IF(IGSTK_USE_Qt) # Check if VTK was built with GUISupport on IF( NOT VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "To build IGSTK with Qt support, you will need to use a VTK build with GUI support i.e VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT turned on in VTK configuration") ENDIF( NOT VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT ) # Check if VTK was built with Qt on IF( NOT VTK_USE_QVTK ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "To build IGSTK with Qt support, you will need to use a VTK build with Qt support i.e VTK_USE_QVTK turned on in VTK configuration") ENDIF( NOT VTK_USE_QVTK ) # use what QVTK built with SET(QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE ${VTK_QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE} CACHE FILEPATH "") SET(QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE ${VTK_QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE} CACHE FILEPATH "") SET(QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE ${VTK_QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE} CACHE FILEPATH "") SET(DESIRED_QT_VERSION ${VTK_DESIRED_QT_VERSION} CACHE STRING "") IF( DESIRED_QT_VERSION MATCHES 3 ) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR " VTK built using Qt 3. Please use Qt4" ) ENDIF( DESIRED_QT_VERSION MATCHES 3) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4 REQUIRED) IF(QT_USE_FILE) INCLUDE(${QT_USE_FILE}) ELSE(QT_USE_FILE) SET(QT_LIBRARIES ${QT_QT_LIBRARY}) ENDIF(QT_USE_FILE) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_Qt) # The IGSTK Library SUBDIRS(Source) # Add the testing directories IF(IGSTK_BUILD_TESTING) SUBDIRS(Testing) ENDIF(IGSTK_BUILD_TESTING) # Add the examples directories OPTION(IGSTK_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Examples of the project" ON) IF(IGSTK_BUILD_EXAMPLES) SUBDIRS(Examples) ENDIF(IGSTK_BUILD_EXAMPLES) # Connect MicronTracker OPTION(IGSTK_USE_MicronTracker "Connect MicronTracker" OFF) IF(IGSTK_USE_MicronTracker) FIND_PATH(MTC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY MTC.h "C:/Program Files/Claron Technology/MicronTracker/Dist" DOC "Directory where the MTC.h file is located") INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${MTC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY} ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/MicronTracker/src ) FIND_LIBRARY( MTC_LIBRARY NAMES MTC MTC.dll PATHS "C:/Program Files/Claron Technology/MicronTracker/Dist" DOC "Full path to the MTC.dll file" ) IF(MTC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY) INCLUDE(${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/ExtractMTCVersion.cmake) IF( ${MTCMajorVersion}.${MTCMinorVersion} LESS 2.6 ) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR " Your MTC version is ${MTCMajorVersion}.${MTCMinorVersion}. Version 2.6 or later should be used") ENDIF( ${MTCMajorVersion}.${MTCMinorVersion} LESS 2.6 ) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT( MTC_LIBRARY_DIRS ${MTC_LIBRARY} PATH ) LINK_DIRECTORIES( ${MTC_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) ENDIF(MTC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_MicronTracker) # # Use OpenIGTLink protocol # OPTION(IGSTK_USE_OpenIGTLink "Use the OpenIGTLink protocol" OFF) IF(IGSTK_USE_OpenIGTLink) # # FIND OpenIGTLink # FIND_PACKAGE(OpenIGTLink) IF (OpenIGTLink_USE_FILE) INCLUDE (${OpenIGTLink_USE_FILE}) ELSE (OpenIGTLink_USE_FILE) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "This application requires OpenIGTLink. One of these components is missing. Please verify configuration") ENDIF (OpenIGTLink_USE_FILE) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_OpenIGTLink) # # Use OpenCV # OPTION(IGSTK_USE_OpenCV "Use the OpenCV library" OFF) IF(IGSTK_USE_OpenCV) # # FIND OpenCV FIND_PACKAGE( OpenCV REQUIRED ) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_OpenCV) # # This option enables the scene graph observer to collect relavant events to constuct the scene graph tree # OPTION(IGSTK_USE_SceneGraphVisualization "Enable scene graph visualization by allowing the observer to listen to relevant events" ON) IF(IGSTK_USE_SceneGraphVisualization) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/SceneGraphVisualization ) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_SceneGraphVisualization) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IGSTK build video imager classes OPTION(IGSTK_USE_VideoImager "Build video imager classes are under review and not fully tested yet" OFF) IF(IGSTK_USE_VideoImager) MESSAGE("Warning: Video imager classes are under review and not fully tested yet") ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_VideoImager) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure the default IGSTK_DATA_ROOT for the location of IGSTK Data. FIND_PATH(IGSTK_DATA_ROOT igstkDataReadMe.txt ${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Testing/Data $ENV{IGSTK_DATA_ROOT}) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(IGSTK_DATA_ROOT) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The entire IGSTK tree should use the same include path, except for the # Wrapping directory. # Create the list of include directories needed for IGSTK header files. INCLUDE(${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/igstkIncludeDirectories.cmake) # This should be the only INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES command in the entire # tree, except for the Utilities and Wrapping directories. We need to # do this in one place to make sure the order is correct. INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${ITK_DIR}/Utilities/zlib ${IGSTK_INCLUDE_DIRS_BUILD_TREE} ${IGSTK_INCLUDE_DIRS_BUILD_TREE_CXX} ${IGSTK_INCLUDE_DIRS_SYSTEM} ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check for header files that we need INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CheckIncludeFile.cmake) # for serial communication: termio.h or termios.h? CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE("termios.h" HAVE_TERMIOS_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE("termio.h" HAVE_TERMIO_H) # Configure a header needed by igstkSystemInformation. CONFIGURE_FILE("${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/igstkConfigure.h") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help other projects use IGSTK. SET(IGSTK_LIBRARY_PATH ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) # Copy the UseIGSTK.cmake file to the binary tree for backward compatability. CONFIGURE_FILE(${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/UseIGSTK.cmake COPYONLY IMMEDIATE) # Save the compiler settings so another project can import them. INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeExportBuildSettings.cmake) CMAKE_EXPORT_BUILD_SETTINGS(${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/IGSTKBuildSettings.cmake) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Installation vars. # IGSTK_INSTALL_BIN_DIR - binary dir (executables) # IGSTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR - library dir (libs) # IGSTK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR - share dir (say, examples, data, etc) # IGSTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR - include dir (headers) # IGSTK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR - package/export configuration files IF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_BIN_DIR) SET(IGSTK_INSTALL_BIN_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin ) ENDIF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_BIN_DIR) IF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR) SET(IGSTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/IGSTK ) ENDIF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR) IF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR) SET(IGSTK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/IGSTK ) ENDIF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR) IF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(IGSTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/IGSTK ) ENDIF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR) IF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR) SET(IGSTK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR ${IGSTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR} # CACHE INTERNAL "" ) ENDIF(NOT IGSTK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR) # Save library dependencies. EXPORT_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES(${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/IGSTKLibraryDepends.cmake) # Create the IGSTKConfig.cmake file containing the IGSTK configuration. INCLUDE (${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/igstkGenerateIGSTKConfig.cmake) # Install some files. INSTALL(FILES ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/igstkConfigure.h DESTINATION ${IGSTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) INSTALL(FILES ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/IGSTKBuildSettings.cmake ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/IGSTKLibraryDepends.cmake ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/UseIGSTK.cmake DESTINATION ${IGSTK_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR} ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up CPack support, to be able to distribute IGSTK # INCLUDE(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "IGSTK ") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "ISC") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "${IGSTK_VERSION_MAJOR}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "${IGSTK_VERSION_MINOR}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "${IGSTK_VERSION_PATCH}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "IGSTK-${IGSTK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${IGSTK_VERSION_MINOR}") INCLUDE(CPack) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add compiler flags IGSTK needs to work on this platform. This must be # done AFTER the call to CMAKE_EXPORT_BUILD_SETTINGS. SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${IGSTK_REQUIRED_C_FLAGS}") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${IGSTK_REQUIRED_CXX_FLAGS}") SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${IGSTK_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS}") SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${IGSTK_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS}") SET(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${IGSTK_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS}") SUBDIRS(Utilities) OPTION(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build IGSTK Documentation" OFF) IF(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) FIND_PACKAGE(VTK) IF (USE_VTK_FILE) INCLUDE (${USE_VTK_FILE}) ELSE (USE_VTK_FILE) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "This application requires VTK. One of these components is missing. Please verify configuration") ENDIF (USE_VTK_FILE) SUBDIRS(Utilities/Doxygen) ENDIF(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IGSTK uses KWStyle for checking the coding style OPTION(IGSTK_USE_KWSTYLE "Run KWStyle in order to check for violations of the coding standard." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(IGSTK_USE_KWSTYLE) IF(IGSTK_USE_KWSTYLE) FIND_PROGRAM(KWSTYLE_EXECUTABLE NAMES KWStyle PATHS /usr/local/bin ) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(KWSTYLE_EXECUTABLE) OPTION(KWSTYLE_USE_VIM_FORMAT "Set KWStyle to generate errors with a VIM-compatible format." OFF) OPTION(KWSTYLE_USE_MSVC_FORMAT "Set KWStyle to generate errors with a VisualStudio-compatible format." OFF) CONFIGURE_FILE(${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/ ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/IGSTK.kws.xml) CONFIGURE_FILE(${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/ ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/IGSTKFiles.txt) SET(KWSTYLE_ARGUMENTS -xml ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/IGSTK.kws.xml -o ${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/IGSTKOverwrite.txt -v -D ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/Utilities/KWStyle/IGSTKFiles.txt ) IF(KWSTYLE_USE_VIM_FORMAT) SET(KWSTYLE_ARGUMENTS -vim ${KWSTYLE_ARGUMENTS}) ENDIF(KWSTYLE_USE_VIM_FORMAT) IF(KWSTYLE_USE_MSVC_FORMAT) SET(KWSTYLE_ARGUMENTS -msvc ${KWSTYLE_ARGUMENTS}) ENDIF(KWSTYLE_USE_MSVC_FORMAT) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/KWStyleReport.txt COMMAND ${KWSTYLE_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${KWSTYLE_ARGUMENTS} COMMENT "Coding Style Checker" ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(StyleCheck DEPENDS ${IGSTK_BINARY_DIR}/KWStyleReport.txt) ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_KWSTYLE) IF( WIN32 ) SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_0 "COM1:" CACHE STRING "First serial port device name (Default COM1)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_1 "COM2:" CACHE STRING "Second serial port device name (Default COM2)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_2 "COM3:" CACHE STRING "Third serial port device name (Default COM3)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_3 "COM4:" CACHE STRING "Fourth serial port device name (Default COM4)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_4 "COM5:" CACHE STRING "Fifith serial port device name (Default COM5)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_5 "COM6:" CACHE STRING "Sixth serial port device name (Default COM6)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_6 "COM7:" CACHE STRING "Seventh serial port device name (Default COM7)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_7 "COM8:" CACHE STRING "Eighth serial port device name (Default COM7)") ELSE (WIN32 ) SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_0 "/dev/ttyS0" CACHE STRING "First serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS0)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_1 "/dev/ttyS1" CACHE STRING "Second serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS1)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_2 "/dev/ttyS2" CACHE STRING "Third serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS2)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_3 "/dev/ttyS3" CACHE STRING "Fourth serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS3)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_4 "/dev/ttyS4" CACHE STRING "Fifith serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS4)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_5 "/dev/ttyS5" CACHE STRING "Sixth serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS5)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_6 "/dev/ttyS6" CACHE STRING "Seventh serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS6)") SET( IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT_7 "/dev/ttyS7" CACHE STRING "Eighth serial port device name (Default /dev/ttyS7)") ENDIF ( WIN32 )