Hi,<br><br>I am trying to track a tool using the Aurora system without hardcoding a .rom file onto the tool's SROM chip. This seems to be a standard and well defined process that is handled when the tracker initializes. I have provided the tracker object the filename for the .rom I want to use, and this file is read from when LoadVirtualSROMs() is called during initialization. However, once the tracker is initialized and running the port/channel that the tool is attached to has not been enabled and the tool will not track. Is there a trick to doing this that I am missing?<br>
<br>If anyone has experience tracking tools with the Aurora system using virtual ROMs not hardcoded onto the tool's SROM chip, any advice you can spare would be greatly appreciated. If you have any ideas I can provide more information about my the process I am using to help work out the solution.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Jon Eubank<br>Working with Mike Daly and GTxEyes team at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto<br>