Hi,<br><br>I am having some issues doing my own scene graph. I have a Axes Object serving as m_WorldReference, a Mesh Object, a Tracker, TrackerTool and a View3d. The Tracker is connected to the m_WorldReference by<br> m_Tracker->RequestSetTransformAndParent(identity, m_WorldReference);<br>
<br>Then, the TrackerTool is attached.<br> m_TrackerTool->RequestAttachToTracker(m_Tracker);<br><br>The Mesh is connected to my tracker tool as<br> m_TargetMeshObject->RequestSetTransformAndParent( identity, m_TrackerTool);<br>
m_MeshObjectRepresentation->RequestSetMeshObject(m_TargetMeshObject);<br><br>Now the mesh representation is added to my view3d window and the view3d is set to m_WorldReference.<br><br> m_LeftWindowView->RequestAddObject(m_MeshObjectRepresentation);<br>
m_LeftWindowView->RequestSetTransformAndParent(identity, m_WorldReference);<br> leftwindow->RequestSetView(m_LeftWindowView);<br><br> leftwindow->RequestEnableInteractions();<br> m_LeftWindowView->SetRefreshRate(60);<br>
<br>I start Tracking, reset my camera and start the view3d.<br> m_Tracker->RequestStartTracking();<br><br> m_LeftWindowView->RequestResetCamera();<br> m_LeftWindowView->RequestStart();<br>
<br>The problem is that I dont see anything. <br>If both the parent of my MeshObject and View3d is set to the same object (either m_WorldReference or m_TrackerTool), I can see the mesh. But when I connect them to different objects, I dont see the mesh. My goal is to see the mesh moving based on tracker input. <br>
<br>Any comments on where I might be going wrong? Also, I wrote my own tracker class for a proprietery tracker we use in our lab. I am sure that is working perfectly as when I try :<br><br> coordSystemAObserver->Clear();<br>
//m_TrackerTool->RequestGetTransformToParent();<br> m_TrackerTool->RequestComputeTransformTo( m_WorldReference );<br> if (coordSystemAObserver->GotTransform())<br> {<br> transform = coordSystemAObserver->GetTransform();<br>
position = transform.GetTranslation();<br> std::cout << "Trackertool :" <br> << m_TrackerTool->GetTrackerToolIdentifier()<br> << "\t\t Position = (" << position[0]<br>
<< "," << position[1] << "," << position[2]<br> << ")" << std::endl;<br> }<br><br>, I get the correct position reading from the tracker.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>Aswin John<br>