Dear IGSTK-developer:<br><br>I am trying to implement (Digital reconstruction radiograph) DRR feature<br>in IGSTK.<br><br>Now I find one DRR example in ITK.<br><br> Insight/Examples/Filtering/<br> DigitallyReconstructedRadiograph1.cxx
<br><div style="direction: ltr;"><br>What I need to do is just integrate it to IGSTK. Here is my initial idea to implement this feature.<br><br>1. Make use one part code in DeckofCard robot example to load ITK image<br>to igstkspatialobject.
<br> a. First, we need to use the igstkObserverConstObjectMacro to define<br>the observer:<br><br>igstkObserverConstObjectMacro( ITKImage,ImageSpatialObjectType::ITKImageModifiedEvent,ITKImageType)<br><br> b.instantiate
the observer, and tell the observer to catch the event<br>from the IGSTK image spatial object using the AddObserver function.<br><br> ITKImageObserver::Pointer itkImageObserver = ITKImageObserver::New();<br> m_ImageSpatialObject->AddObserver(ImageSpatialObjectType::ITKImageModifiedEvent(),itkImageObserver );
<br><br> C. You will need to call the RequestGetITKImage method to cause the<br>IGSTK image spatial object class to send out the event carrying the ITK<br>image.<br><br> m_ImageSpatialObject->RequestGetITKImage();
<br><br>2. Make use ITK filter to deal with the image. And then output the DRR<br>image in ITK image format.<br><br>3. Now the question is how to rendering the DRR image(ITK image format)<br>in IGSTK? Do I have to reconstruct my own representation to rendering it?
<br> Or maybe just render it in FLTK directly?<br><br>BTW, what do your guys think about of this way to solve this problem? Is<br>there any better way to solve this problem?<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Jayson</div>