[IGSTK-Users] IGSTK - Vicra Polaris problem: SerialCommunication doesn't open a COM port.

Sara Pizzamiglio sara.pizzamiglio at mail.polimi.it
Mon Oct 14 05:21:47 EDT 2013

Goodmorning everyone,

I'm working with a Vicra Polaris device in order to keep track of some wireless tools, thus I've implemented a C++ program to communicate with the Polaris system and I've added IGSTK libraries.

My laptop is an HP with Windows 7 Home Edition ( 64 bit ) installed. In particular:

  *   I installed CMake - win32- x86 in order to build all the libraries;
  *   I firstly built ITK ( Insight Toolkit 3.20.1 ), then VTK ( version 5.10.1 ) and finally IGSTK ( version 5.0 );
  *   I built my c++ program in CMake in order to add IGSTK.

The C++ program works: I build it in Visual Studio 10 and no errors and detected.
However, when i open the cmd.exe and launch it, the program is not able to open the COM port which the USB of the Polaris is plugged in, thus the Polaris doesn't start acquiring the desired wireless tolls.

I installed the Polaris drivers properly, in fact, if I open and use the NDI tracker program, the Vicra Polaris starts and acquires all the wireless tools I want. The polaris is connected to COM1.
I give the right port number to the C++ program (0), it sets the port number but does not open it.
In the LoggerOutput file there's a warning like this:

  *   (DEBUG) InternalOpenPort on
  *   (WARNING) InternalOpenPort: CreateFile() failed.

I deduced that the InternalOpenPort function does not see the COM port. I tried everything in order to make it work but was pointless.
Can you help me figure out where the problem could be and possible solution to it?!

Thankyou very much in advance,
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