[IGSTK-Users] Instructions to compile IGSTKSandbox

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Mon May 10 14:52:29 EDT 2010

Hi Haiying,

First, you should have the USB-To-Serial driver installed. Then do
ls /dev

you should see a list of devices. Your USB-To-Serial converter might 
show up as something like /dev/ttsy#


When you run cmake configuration on IGSTKSandbox, you will see a list of 

IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT0          /dev/ttsy0
IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT7          /dev/ttsy7

You can map your device to any of the IGSTK serial ports. In the 
following example, we map it to serial port 0:

IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT0   /dev/ttsy#


In your xml configuration file, you need to specify your COM port to be 
IGSTK_SERIAL_PORT0, which should be '0' in this case.


On 5/10/2010 8:32 AM, Haiying Liu wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> Hope everything is going well!
> I have the following questions about IGSTK:
> If I have Ubuntu OS to run IGSTK app to get tracking data from NDI Aurora,
> with a serial-usb-converter, what are the steps for me to map usb ports to
> the PORT number in the xml configuration file?
> Thanks,
> Haiying

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