[IGSTK-Users] supported tracker - Claron?

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Wed Oct 3 16:15:52 EDT 2007

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your interest in using IGSTK toolkit.

We have recently added the MicronTracker class support (from Claron 
Tech) to the toolkit. It's still under development, a couple of features 
needed to be added in the future, but the basic functionalities are in 

You are welcome to try and test out the code. The code is located in

Example usage can be found in:

To run the test, you need to:

1. Download IGSTK, IGSTKSandbox and build the library (prior to that, 
you need to install CMake and build ITK and VTK)

2. Install MicronTracker using its distribution CD, follow the 
documentation on Installation.

3. Copy the specific calibration file (something like 
BumbleBee_6400417.calib) from your MicronTracker installation directory 

4. Connect MincronTracker through firewire, and in the IGSTKSandbox 
binary directory, run the following command:
ctest -R MicronTracker

If the system is setup properly, you should be able to see the tracker 
data update in the command window.

Notice that we are experiencing a lot of refactoring right now, so the 
IGSTKSandbox is not as stable as the main IGSTK source distribution, and 
some of the API will change in this coming new release.

Thank you,


Boettcher, Dr. Peter wrote:
> Dear igstk user
> We plan to setup a neurovavigation application for dogs using istk. 
> Unfortunately our budget is quite low. That is why we are locking for a 
> "low cost" optical tracker. Searching the web, trackers from Claron seem 
> to be of much lower price than products from other companies. However 
> the igstk wiki-page concerning supported trackers is not clear to me on 
> that point.
> Has there been an update of supported tracker within the actual release 
> of igstk?
> Any comment or advice on how to connect other optical trackers than 
> Polaris would be much appreciated.
> Regards, Peter.
> ------------------------------------
> Peter Böttcher, Dr med vet, DipECVS
> European Veterinary Specialist in Surgery
> Fachtierarzt für Kleintierchirurgie
> Klinik für Kleintiere
> Universität Leipzig
> An den Tierkliniken 23
> D-04103 Leipzig (Germany)
> Tel: +49-341-9738700
> Fax: +49-341-9738799
> email: boettcher at kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de 
> <mailto:boettcher at kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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