[IGSTK-Users] snprintf versus _snprintf

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Thu Sep 21 14:27:22 EDT 2006

Steve Robbins wrote:
> P.S. Just out of curiousity: why the ban on factories?

The worry about factories is that they allow a run-time substitution of 
one class for another.  In the current IGSTK design, all IGSTK classes 
have finite state machines that govern their behavior.   The goal is to 
make the application deterministic: all of the available states can be 
tested, so when the application runs, nothing unexpected can occur.  If 
it becomes possible to substitute one class for another at run-time, 
what guarantee is there that the new class will behave exactly the same 
as the one it replaced?

That's it in a nutshell.

 - David

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