[IGSTK-Developers] The Book, Chapter 1, Directory Structure: Confusion on CVS modules

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Dec 9 20:52:51 EST 2008

Section 1.2.4 of the book, with title "Directory Structure",
has some misleading (incorrect ?) information.

The second paragraph says:

IGSTK is organized into several different modules, or CVS checkouts. If you
are using an
official release, you will see three important modules: the Source, Testing,
and Examples
modules. The source code can be found in the Source module; testing code,
input data, and
baseline images can be found in Testing; and example applications using
IGSTK are available
in Examples directory. There is also an Utilities directory containing some
auxiliary scripts.
The Source directory contains all the components of IGSTK. When you are
working with this
library, you can refer to the code in Testing and Examples to learn how the
classes are being

This is confusing subdirectories with CVS modules.

The CVS modules of IGSTK are:

   - IGSTK
   - IGSTKSandbox
   - IGSTKDocuments

Referring to the subdirectories  "Source", "Testing" and "Examples"  as "CVS
is incorrect.

We probably should refer to them simply as "directories" or

Something like:

IGSTK is organized into several different subdirectories. If you are using
official release, you will see three important subdirectories: the Source,
Testing, and Examples
subdirectories. The source code can be found in the Source subdirectory;
testing code, input data, and
baseline images can be found in Testing; and example applications using
IGSTK are available
in Examples directory. There is also an Utilities directory containing some
auxiliary scripts.
The Source directory contains all the components of IGSTK. When you are
working with this
library, you can refer to the code in Testing and Examples to learn how the
classes are being

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