[IGSTK-Developers] Aurora SROM file

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Fri May 18 21:53:41 EDT 2007

Hi David,

I did some testing here, here is the result:

1. I actually went back the Aurora code before the your fix last time. 
It seems to be working fine, as it suppose to be, according to NDI.

2. I have attached two 5DOF needles to the same port using splitter, and 
did the following tests:

   A. Using a "Dual Sensor Coil, 6DOF Tool" SROM file, and attach it to 
port, we will get 1 tool and the result transform is 6DOF

   B. Using "Dual Sensor Coil, Dual 5DOF Tool", and attach it to port, 
we will get 2 tools with 5DOF transforms

   C. The problem is with using "Single Sensor Coil Tool",
      C.1. when attached to port, we get 2 tools,
      C.2. when attached to channel 0, we get 1 tool
      C.3. when attached to channel 1, we get 2 tools
      C.4. when attached to both channels, we only get channel 0.

The only confusion here is scenario C. This behavior is actually 
consistent with what I heard from NDI.

"You can not use two different SROM files in the same port, if you want 
to use splitter to tracker multiple tools, you have to use 'Dual Sensor 
Coil, Dual 5DOF Tool' SROM file", as in Scenario B, and we are not 
suppose to do Scenario C.4.

The way Tracker deal with SROM file is:

1. Look for SROM files in tools plugged into the tracker, and load them 
in control unit.

2. If there is user defined SROM file, it will be send to the Virtual 
SROM unit in the tracker, and this SROM file will overwrite previously 
loaded one from the tool.

3. In case of tracking two 5DOF sensor, the tracker will automatically 
add another handle to the port, if this port received a "Dual Sensor 
Coil, Dual 5DOF Tool" SROM file

4. Most of the case, the tracker tools all have SROM file burned into 
it, so we can tracker them without attaching any SROM files.

My suggestion is:
1. Go back to the previous version of the AuroraTracker code
2. Eliminate the AttachSROMFileToChannel API, if we want to track 
multiple tools, either do not use any SROM file (will load from tools), 
or use a "Dual Sensor Coil, Dual 5DOF Tool" SROM file.
3. Modify the way we LoadVirtualSROM files in AuroraTracker class to be 
consistent with NDI.

Thank you,


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