[GCC-XML]Nested classes

Brad King brad . king at kitware . com
Wed, 29 May 2002 15:07:15 -0400 (EDT)


> The problem I encountered is that gccxml does not seem to extract tags
> for not referenced nested classes. E.g. the XML file for

This is a real bug.  Thanks for your report.  It was introduced a few
months ago when I added a line to disable dumping of compiler-generated
class members (that don't appear in source code).  GCC's internal
representation makes nested classes look like artifical constructs
(because the only reference to it in the list of fields in the outer class
is a compiler-generated typedef).

It has been fixed in the CVS version of GCC-XML.  To build the fixed
version, you will have to build your own patched GCC 3.0.4 source using
the instructions on the web page.
