[Ctk-developers] Permanent branch / tag policy

Nolden, Marco M.Nolden at Dkfz-Heidelberg.de
Wed Jun 24 08:15:01 EDT 2015

Hi CTK'ers,

for our recent MITK 2015.05 release we used a specific CTK hash which 
includes some branches that were at that time not yet ready for merging 
into master. The integration branch we used is currently living outside 
of the github commontk organization, but to keep things together and 
make them easier accessible for external users I would like to add it to 
commontk and also create some permanent reference to it. I thinking 
about two options:

1. create a tag, like ctk-for-mitk-2015.05
2. create an integration branch on commontk, and after everything has 
been included through the outstanding pull requests, merge that branch 
with the "ours" merge policy just to keep the reference

What do you think, any other ideas?


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