[Ctk-developers] Extend CTK CLI XML schema for meshes and grids

Fetzer, Andreas a.fetzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Wed Jun 3 04:04:41 EDT 2015

Hi all.

We are using the CTK CLI module a lot for exchanging and connecting functionalities between different projects.
Now, some of our users raised the requirement to also specify meshes and grids within a cli.

Since the CTK cli xml schema (https://github.com/commontk/CTK/blob/master/Libs/CommandLineModules/Core/Resources/ctkCmdLineModule.xsd)
currently only defines images we would have to extend the schema.

That is why I wanted to ask, if you see any obstacles regarding the enhancement of the schema for meshes and grids, or if there was a specific reason,
why only images are currently defined by the xml schema.



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