[Ctk-developers] Invitation to CTK Hackfest Heidelberg: Nov 3 - 7

Marco Nolden m.nolden at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Wed Oct 8 13:20:21 EDT 2014

Hey CTKers,

the 10th CTK hackfest is coming soon! One week of coding and 
face-to-face discussions about the latest technologies and developments 
in our field, taking place at the German Cancer Research Center in the 
historic city of Heidelberg. Please put your name on the wiki page [1] 
if you're planning to join us. If you're not sure yet or want to come 
for the first time or do not know what this is all about please do not 
hesitate to contact us!

We've put some more information on the wiki page, there is a special 
arrangement with a nice hotel which is open till Oct 15th.

Please forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested.

Hope to see you all in Heidelberg!


Marco and the Heidelberg CTK team

[1]: http://www.commontk.org/index.php/CTK-Hackfest-Nov-2014

On 08/20/2014 10:51 AM, Ivo Wolf wrote:
> Hey CTKers -
> On behalf of the organizing committee I'm glad to
> announce that we found a time and location for the next hackfest!
> It will be hosted in Heidelberg, on the 3rd-7th of November:
> http://www.commontk.org/index.php/CTK-Hackfest-Nov-2014
> If you are a regular CTK attendee and plan to go, please add your name
> to the participant table. We also plan to have a telcon after MICCAI
> with all available attendees for collecting initial ideas and drafting
> the program. Details will follow.
> Best,
> Ivo (on behalf of the organizing committee)
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