[Ctk-developers] Updating the "The Team" page

Sascha Zelzer s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Sun Feb 17 07:15:10 EST 2013

Hi CTK folks,

a couple of weeks ago a short discussion between Ron Kikinis and 
Hans-Peter Meinzer about updating the "The Team" page


was going on.

There was some consensus to add a new section between the "Institutions" 
and "Pro tempore steering committee" sections containing a list of 
active members for the past year (people participating in Hackfests or 
contributing code).

My suggestion is to add the following section (I took the names from the 
attendee list of the previous two Hackfests and added Matt Clarkson 
since he contributed a lot of new code for the command line module 

Active members as of 2012

In no particular order, the active members of the CTK initiative
in the year 2012 were:

Jean-Chistophe Fillion-Robin, Kitware
Julien Finet, Kitware
Steve Pieper, Isomics
Ivo Wolf, Hochschule Mannheim
Marco Nolden, DKFZ
Sascha Zelzer, DKFZ
Andreas Fetzer, DKFZ
Michael Bauer, DKFZ
Florian Vichot, INRIA
Daniele Giunchi, SCS Bologna
Alessandro Chiarini, SCS Bologna
Alberto Losi, SCS Bologna
André Aichert, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Yves Martelli, UPF
Claire Mouton, CREATIS
Matt Clarkson, University College London (UCL)
Miklos Espak, University College London (UCL)

Any comments / thoughts about this are welcome.



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