[Ctk-developers] CTK next hackfest

Daniele Giunchi d.giunchi at scsitaly.com
Fri Sep 28 09:58:21 EDT 2012

Hi CTKers!

It's time to start planning another hackfest!  Alessandro Chiarini and
I can host this one in Bologna the week of December 10-14.  If that
works for enough people we'll plan to go ahead with it.

If you've been to a previous hackfest and want to attend this one,
please add your name to the attendee list.


If you haven't ever attended before but are interested attending this
one, or if you want to invite someone, please contact the organizing
committee and we'll discuss the options.


The Organizing Committee
Ivo Wolf i.wolf at hs-mannheim.de
Stephen Aylward Stephen.Aylward at Kitware.com
Steve Pieper pieper at bwh.harvard.edu

Dott. Daniele Giunchi
BioComputing Competence Centre
SCS srl
Via Parini 1, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno BO, Italy
mailto:d.giunchi at scsitaly.com

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