[Ctk-developers] ctkWorkflowWidgetStep API

Miklos Espak espakm at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 10:52:40 EST 2011

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Julien Finet <julien.finet at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Miklos,
> Looking at the code, it seems that the signal is fired:
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> void ctkWorkflowWidgetStepPrivate::createUserInterfaceCompleteInternal()const
> {
>  emit createUserInterfaceComplete();
> }
> It is done in the Pimpl though. If you search for
> "createUserInterfaceComplete" in CTK, you'll find some use case.
> To be honest, I've no idea how it works :-)
> Maybe Jc or Danielle can comment on it.
> I am surprised you need to listen for createUserInterfaceComplete, I
> would expect to do all the initialization work in
> ctkWorkflowWidgetStep::createUserInterface().

I have to fill the input widgets with values when I arrive at a
workflow step. I would do it in the onEntry, but at the first onEntry
call the user interface is not ready.

So I have to check in the onEntry if the GUI is created or not. This
cannot be queried by the ctkWorkflowStepWidget functions.

But no problem, I rearrange my code so I can decide it by a null check.


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