[Ctk-developers] CMake configuration simplified

Sascha Zelzer s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Fri Nov 18 10:42:55 EST 2011

Hi Folks,

I would like to draw your attention to a new feature of the CTK build 
system which I personally find very pleasing.

During the Sophia-Antipolis Hackfest we worked on making it easier for 
new CTK users to configure CTK with CMake. Previously, many build 
options were displayed after the initial configure run. This was 
overwhelming and confusing.

The new system retains all previous CMake options but marks nearly all 
of them as advanced. You will now see a set of high-level options which 
are used to enable a default set of libraries and/or plugins related to 
one of the main "sub-projects" inside CTK. However, you still have full 
control over all build options in advanced mode.

The relevant merge commit is


Let us now if you have any troubles using it.



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