[Ctk-developers] How to wrap a Qt App into an hosted app confirming to DICOM Supplement 118 / Working Group 23

Caylus, Michael (SCR US) michael.caylus at siemens.com
Thu May 12 21:56:29 EDT 2011


I am new to the CTK SDK and would like to wrap my Qt application into an hosted app. I have seen such an example by turning on in the CMake configuration:  ctkExampleHost and ctkExampleHosted App.  I came up with the following questions after playing with it:

1.      In order to make this wrap-up for my app; I was considering to edit the org_commontk_dah_exampleapp plug-in which relies on the org_commontk_dah_app and org_commontk_dah_core plug-in and keep the ctkExampleHostedApp. Is this approach the right way to proceed? This implies splitting my app into the hostedApp and a CTK plugin; with most of the work to be done on the plug-in level I guess. I have seen some doc explaining how to embed the CTK plugin framework in my app too. Can I achieve the same result with this approach and how?
2.       I couldn't find to which QMainWindow is the button attached to in the ctkExampleDicomAppLogic::do_something() function.  It doesn't look like the ctkExampleDicomAppLogic is heritating from a widget also. Which object is responsible of the creation of the mainwindow?
3.      Is there any doc that explains how to create a CTK plug-in and App from scratch. It would be probably better in my case to create a new plugin instead of editing an existing one.
4.      How can I add additional includes directories through a CMakeLists in the CTK framework.  I couldn't find a way to define additional directories in the CMakeList of a plug-in (no include_directories). Is that define somewhere else?

Thanks for your help!


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