[Ctk-developers] CTK and DCMTK 3.6 compatibility

OFFIS DICOM Team dicom at offis.de
Mon Jun 20 03:49:17 EDT 2011

Hi Marco and everybody,

sorry, I already sent on Friday but used my personal email adresss as a
sender and thus the mail was rejected:

Am 17.06.2011 16:47, schrieb Marco Nolden:
> Hi,
> I started using the CTK DICOM Widgets in MITK. Since we want to use the
> official 3.6 release of DCMTK there are some compatibility issues. To get
> started I fixed the constant names, adapted the superbuild and put this
> in a new branch
> https://github.com/commontk/CTK/commits/dcmtk-3.6

I tried the same a few weeks ago and I can confirm that only the constant
names need some work (like 10 minutes or so). This is because the DICOM
standard introduced official short names for attributes and we changed our
own system to the one in the standard (which was 99% the same, anyway).

I would recommend just switching not to 3.6. release but to our git
repository (I tried that in the superbuild and it seems to work fine), since
the code is pretty stable and we try to fix serious issues as soon as they
are reported.

> As far as I can see there are no build issues with DCMTK itself, the
> stock CMake files of DCMTK 3.6 seem to work fine. However the interface
> of the DcmSCU class has changed and I'm not sure how to replace the
> methods correctly and whether the implementation in 3.6 is already
> complete.

The implementation is already complete from the perspective of what you need
in the SCU, i.e. MOVE is implemted in particular. I can send you a patch
within the next days, Marco and Steve, that is about to adapt the current
CTK SCU stuff to the DcmSCU API (which I also already have on my
laptop but not tested yet).

Best regards,

OFFIS DICOM Team, Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
E-Mail: dicom at offis.de, URL: http://dicom.offis.de

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