[Ctk-developers] External projects in commontk github organization

Sascha Zelzer s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue Jun 7 10:08:49 EDT 2011

Of course Qt depends on a native sqlite implementation, but it provides 
a library which is database-backend independent:


It uses Qt plugins for delegating the calls to specific RDBMS 


On 06/07/2011 03:32 PM, Zach Mullen wrote:
> The MIDAScpp library linked against kwsys/expat/curl because 
> originally it did not depend on Qt.  In the future, we could remove 
> these dependencies; it would just require a lot of rewriting to use 
> the Qt capabilities instead.  Sqlite will have to stay as a dependency 
> since Qt doesn't have any RDBMS capabilities.
> -Zach
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin 
> <jchris.fillionr at kitware.com <mailto:jchris.fillionr at kitware.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Sasha,
>     You bring a very good point !
>     The work related to these projects has just been published and is
>     open to review.
>     See
>     https://github.com/zachmullen/CTK/commit/1051813f5046bb08835b73a12138a672c9c48c82
>     Expat, KWSys, Sqlite and libcurl were initially shipped with
>     MIDAScpp library ... I advocates to externalize and CMake-ifie
>     properly these libraries as a first step. That way the code
>     checked in CTK would "really" corresponds to the library itself.
>     Having an other perspective is always fruitful :)  You are right,
>     since MIDAScpp would be part of CTK, it makes sens to not depend
>     on these external project and rely on Qt directly. Qt is a
>     mandatory dependency after all.
>     I am cc'ing Zach in the email and I am sure I will be able to
>     provide more comments.
>     Zach> Instead of using expat, libcurl, sqlite and kwsys, would it
>     make sens to depends on Qt ?
>     In the mean time, I have the following questions:
>      - Currently the library is named "CTKMIDAScppCore" and
>     CTKMIDAScppWidgets", I was thinking we could have something like
>     CTKDataManagementMIDAScppCore and CTKDataManagementMIDAScppWidgets.
>     What do you think ? Doing so would leave room to library like
>     "CTKDataManagementHadoopCore" ...
>      - Does introducing a "DataManagement" hierachy of libraries make
>     sens ? As far as I am concerned, I think it's important to provide
>     both functionality to process, store and retrieve the data.
>     Thanks
>     Jc
>     On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Sascha Zelzer
>     <s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de <mailto:s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de>>
>     wrote:
>         Hi guys,
>         Recently, I observed an explosion in the number of
>         repositories containing external repositories in the CommonTK
>         organization of github. Could we discuss the need of some of
>         them, and maybe have these discussions in the future in
>         advance of pushing those projects?
>         I am looking especially at the projects below, where Qt might
>         already offer enough functionality. Of course I could be
>         wrong, so thank you for your feedback!
>         - sqlite (why not use the Qt sqlite wrapper?)
>         - KWSys (where is it needed? I did not find any reference to
>         it in CTK)
>         - libexpat (Qt also provides a streaming XML API, also not
>         used anywhere)
>         - libcurl (there is also no reference to libcurl in CTK)
>         Thanks,
>         Sascha
>         _______________________________________________
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>     -- 
>     +1 919 869 8849 <tel:%2B1%20919%20869%208849>
> -- 
> Zach Mullen
> R & D Engineer
> Kitware Inc.
> (919) 969-6990 x314

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