[Ctk-developers] CTK Dashboard: Cleaning up Warnings: DCMTK

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Apr 8 17:14:34 EDT 2010

In the process of cleaning up warnings in the Dashboard,
we ran into issues with DCMTK:


 warning: declaration of ‘message’ shadows a member of 'this'
 warning: declaration of ‘ll’ shadows a member of 'this'

Given that DCMTK is a third party library, our options for
fixing this are:

A) Post a patch to the DCMTK developers and wait for
     them to push that into a release

B) Host a duplicate repository of DCMTK and make the
    patches there

C) Silence the warning using CTestCustom.cmake
     (put the problem under the rug..)

  What are your preferences ?



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