<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi everyone,<br><br></div>I'm trying to use itkVideoStream and itkVideoFileReader classes in my application, but I get a lot of errors in linking phase. I report here only some final parts of the errors<br>
<style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pr</style><span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">undefined reference to `vtable for itk::TemporalProcessObject'<br>undefined reference to `vtable for itk::TemporalRegion'<br>undefined reference to `itk::TemporalDataObject::TemporalDataObject()'<br>
undefined reference to `itk::TemporalRegion::GetFrameStart() const'</span><br><br></div>There is a big number (132) of linking errors, but everyone is very similar to the errors reported above (the other itk classes work normally).<br>
</div>It seems that itkVideoCore and itkVideoIO modules aren't found from the system, but my CMakeLists.txt is very general<br><br>FIND_PACKAGE ( ITK REQUIRED)<br>IF ( ITK_FOUND)<br>INCLUDE( ${USE_ITK_FILE} )<br>ENDIF( ITK_FOUND)<br>
...<br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( main ${ITK_LIBRARIES})<br><br></div>My application works with images using itk, but before starting to add video handling in my application, I've never found errors like these with the same CMakeLists.txt file.<br>
</div><div>Since itkVideoCore and itkVideoIO are requested by
ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES, I'm sure that they are present in the system.<style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></div>I ask you to give me some advices for solving this problem.<br></div>Thank you for the attention.<br><br></div>Matteo<br></div>