<div dir="ltr"><div><div><br></div>Hello every body !<br><br><br></div><div>After execution of my images' registration program , using this components:<br><br></div><div>Regular Step Gradient Descent Optimizer,<br>Mean Squares Image To Image Metric<br>
</div><div>Bspline interpolator<br><br> I get this results::<br><br><br>Iteration number: Cost function value <br><br><br>0 2732.74 <br>1 2700.84 <br>
2 2699.27 <br>3 2701.48 <br>4 2703.19 <br>5 2700 <br>6 2704.12 <br>
7 2705.1 <br>8 2705.27 <br>9 2705.4 <br>10 2702.91 <br>11 2705.15 <br>
12 2713.1 <br>13 2720.48 <br>14 2720 <br>15 2715.81 <br>16 2704.64 <br>
17 2687.46 <br>18 2666.14 <br>19 2639.91 <br>20 2613.11 <br>21 2587.55 <br>
22 2564.89 <br>23 2546.22 <br><br></div><div>I use this parameters:<br> optimizer->SetMaximumStepLength(0.10 );<br> optimizer->SetMinimumStepLength( 0.05);<br>
optimizer->SetRelaxationFactor(0.5);<br><br></div><div>My question is : as you see i the results the value of the cost function increases i want to know why can be the reason of this results please!! is it just a probleme of parameters??<br>
<br></div><div>Thanks !<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>