[ITK] [ITK-users] Bone structure segmentation

vishal k itkhelpacc at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 03:28:58 EDT 2015

im working on an image processing project in which Im trying to segment the
spine region in an chest xray...i plan on doing it in the following steps...
in the first step i have managed to use region growing algorithm to  produce
an binary mask such that white part of the mask is  more or less around the
ROI (the spine).. in the next step i have masked the original image and the
binary mask image such that wherever the white region overlaps the original
pixel value of the image is retained and the rest is made black this is done
in order to narrow down the ROI... next  apply active contours technique to
this image.. how do I restrict the algorithm such that it acts only within
the masked region... i tried to find the solution on the net but the
solutions for the regular shaped mask such as rectangle area available but
spine is IRREGULAR, the mask also tends to b irregular.. please help me
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