[ITK] GeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter

Ken Sutherland kensuth at med.hokudai.ac.jp
Thu Oct 22 21:34:23 EDT 2015


I am trying to use GeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter.

I'm using the knee sample from "Create2DActiveShapeModel", with the mean 
image and three principle component files. I then use one of the 
training images as the target, so it should be an easy task. I'm using 
all the default parameters from the sample code.

I've created an animation by outputting the result image at each step of 
the registration. The cyan image is the shape model, the white image is 
the target that I am trying to segment. But it seems that the shape is 
never changing, only the mean shape image is being used. It shifts left, 
right, up, down and rotates, but never changes shape, no matter how many 
iterations I run.

Can anyone provide any insight?

The animated GIF file is here:

The log file is here:


Ken Sutherland
Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Medical Physics
kensuth at med.hokudai.ac.jp

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