[ITK] [ITK-users] Own Transformation Class

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Nov 30 22:19:54 EST 2015

Hello Dominik,

> I have been working on a project in Slicer which is about registering
> histology slices to an MRI volume of the same subject. So far everything
> was
> straight-forward but now the implemented registration algorithms in Slicer
> are coming to their limits and I think I have to write some of the stuff
> myself in ITK. I can use SimpleITK in python or the C++ version in Slicer
> depending on which plugin I want to write. The stuff I wrote so far is in
> Python but I think I can write another plugin in C++ just for the
> registration algorithm and execute this in my Python plugin.


> So, now to the questions:
> - I'd like to constraint the registration algorithm because both modalities
> have a very robust feature which is the urethra. So I'd like the
> registration algorithm to stay as it is and just limit the transformation
> so
> the histology-urethra follows the MRI-urethra and the rotation center is in
> the urethra. I read in the slicers forum that I can write my own
> transformation class for this but I didn't have a lot of success so far so
> I'm thankful for more hints on how to write my own transformation class or
> any other solutions.

A new transformation can often be avoided by calling SetWeights() on the
optimizer as explained here [1]. This can be used to hold parameters
constant for a given transform during the optimization process.

However, it sounds like goal is to limit registration to information from a
particular region in the image (the urethra). To achieve this goal, you may
consider setting the Fixed and Moving image masks on the metric as
described here [2].

> - Once every histology slice is registered, I'd like to merge these slices
> to one. Is there an easy solution in ITK for this? I read the
> ResampleImageFilter is usable for this but so far I just understood that it
> resamples an image depending on how you transform it.

If every histology slice is registered independently, when they are merged
together there will be gaps and overlap in the histology slice locations.
Therefore, if a histology volume is desired, the histology slices could be
registered to each other first to generate a single histology slice volume,
then that volume is registered to the MRI volume.



[2] http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1ImageToImageMetricv4.html
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